Looking for a best TT without arm for under 10K.

Jumping back into analog and could use some advice. Tables in the running are Micro Seiki, Avid Acutus and ????? System is all tubes and I love to tinker. Cheers
Of course, there is no "Best" turntable under $10K. There are many options available. I have been very happy with my Galibier Gavia table and would recommend that you consider it.
The very latest Oracle is a superb table as well.It seems to have it all,in that the design is quite complete.A superb suspension,clamping system,and it has been refined over many years.

Many choices here for sure.

Good luck
I can add to the recommendations for the DPS3 - I have owned mine for close to three years now. I usually have the chance to listen and setup many turntables (e.g. Verdier, Raven AC, several VPIs) and never felt like I should consider switching at all. The DPS easily perform at the level of the Raven, Verdier, etc. but is even more a set it and forget it turntable. The DPS/Ayre is highly underrated IMO.

I am running the DPS with a Schroeder No2. fw and either and Allaerts MC1B or a Lyra Delos.
One note though, rereading the original post - the DPS is not really for tinkering. Even the isolation platform and isolation mat are provided and already optimized.

If you enjoy tinkering, get a Verdier or Galibier, experiment with different arms, cartridges, drive belts, motors, supports and suspensions...
I don't know what the pricing is, but the Wave Kinetics table is a very serious attempt at the state of the art in direct-drive. It was designed by a group in the graduate Physics Department at Stanford - if I were in the market for a new table, I would make sure I heard it.