Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
As you have acknowledged we are all biased in some way or another. Context is important in trying to understand the views that people put forward. In your system you have made the following statement
"The Wave Kinetics NVS Direct Drive Turntable is absolutely in a league of it's own. Having a great deal of experience with the likes of the Rockport Sirius III, Continuum, SME 30, Forsell Reference, Grand Prix Audio Monaco, VPI HRX, Nottingham Hyperspace, Basis Debut, Lodo Audio The Beat, Kuzma Stabi XL, Vyger Indian Signature, Walker Proscenium and many others, this turntable is truly unique. It is immediately noticeable. "
I have been given to understand that you are the manufacturer of the NVS. If you are then that should be stated to give context around your statements on turntables. This does not mean what you say is true or not, it merely provides context for readers of your observations and posts.
If you are not the manufacturer of the NVS, then I have been misinformed and would be happy to retract my comments.
Yes, bias a part of the makeup of this audio hobby...

I like the hueristic that can play out in an escalation of a confirmation bias.

For example, how else could one explain loving a transducer so much that one would destroy and replace the innocent other...violently removing the Sheetrock covering of the container to ineffectively pay for the sins of a highly loved and promoted wired out-of-phase speaker.

Audiophiles do find unusual ways of mimicking life; maybe, more so in the glorious northwest.
Dear Unoear, I have no dog in this fight, but do I correctly understand the following?
(1) You went to Mike's home and listened to the Sirius prior to purchase.
(2) You evidently liked what you heard, because you then bought it from Mike.
(3) You were present during the disassembly and packing of the Sirius at Mike's home.
(4) You reassembled the Sirius in your own listening room, AND the reassembled unit was then blessed by a member of Rockport's original design team.
(5) Now you and Dertonearm find that the Sirius "cannot track" more than 3 cuts from the outer edge of an LP before seriously mistracking.

And you are saying what? The Sirius is an overpriced fraud? Someone deceived you in this process? Given that you can be credited with due diligence all along the way (assuming my assumptions above are correct), I would say that you have no one to blame but yourself. But I also tend to think or guess that the tracking issue you describe can be resolved. There is something missing from this story that is of key importance.

Dear Syntax, You are too droll. So droll that I don't understand the true meaning of your posts on this subject, save that there are a lot of overpriced and underperforming audio products, of which I do not think the Sirius is one.
I've never heard the Rockport, but I have heard the Walker and it was part of a
system that sounded very convincing. So I have little experience with the two
turntables discussed in this thread. However, I agree with Dover that Jtinn, or
any representative of a competing brand, should disclose his interest when
discussing or criticizing turntables in the analog forum that compete with his

Same for a speaker distributer or manufacturer who criticizes competing brands
in speaker forums.

Where is the disclaimer? It would help to put comments in perspective.
Dear Dover: I can't see why you already made a " big deal " about who is Jtinn when you as almost all here in the thread knew who is him.

It will be different if you was unaware that he is a manufacturer of TTs and suddenly some one disclose Jtinn and this was a big surprise to you. This not happen so, again, why that " big deal " to you or any one that already knows Jtinn?

Regards and enjoy the music,