Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
11-18-11: Unoear
"Story goes on ..... and on ....and on .... went to bed 03.30 after listening to records and work began 09.00 again

The results are no more less than amazing....but we didn't reach the end.... next mod is in progress ...."

11-21-11: Unoear
"These are both (Rockport and D.'s enhanced dual platter Micro Seiki turntables) wonderful presentations and the comparisons ongoing."

11-21-11: Unoear
"Yes, they are fine turntables and I am fortunate to be able to find a way for the big Micros and the Sirius lll to find their way here. They both are fine examples of two possible turntable presentations done correctly."

11-23-11: Unoear
"... the comparison is in a process orientation and hopefully we will have more to report regarding our observations in a few weeks. .....A friendly fellow has offered to make his personal Olympos SL available so we can have two of the Lyra cartridges available during the comparison, thank you for your kind offer Dlanselm.
More to come on the comparison later."

I see in "Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison" Rockport was in perfect condition. BUT in "Sirius and Walker" Rockport was not able to successfully navigate the inner groves. Obviously Giant killer come :-)
Vicks7: "This is a ridiculous thread. If there is an issue it should be resolved privately between the relevant parties and not be the subject of an endless and inane thread."
I agree.

I would like to read comments relate to the opening post and questions.

Dear Jtinn: +++++ "Dear gentlemans: whom of you can be precise/with no single doubt about and " disclose " this mixup?. " ++++++

sorry to not re-read what you posted. Anyway, at least helped to confirm your post and for everyone now knows the real true about.

Those german persons almost always posts with an agenda in hand and in this thread Unoear too. Pity and a shame of.

Where belongs honesty? where some people left it? and I say this because more and more we see and read in this forum that kind of posts moved by a commercial and corrupted agenda.

Regards and enjoy the music,

In the real world, I know that comparisons can be difficult but possible. In my opinion, with all other elements being equal in the audio chain for comparison purposes, it is the cartridge that makes the biggest sonic signature combined with the turntable and arm components resolving abilities.

Let me amend that statement by saying that it is relative to the quality of both units being tested. I feel that the Rockport and Walker are of equal quality in terms of construction and designed philosophy to say this.

Everything in this hobby has an audio signature no matter how good or bad it measures. There are degrees of course, and I feel that good measurement is fundamental to accuracy of recorded material but, as we all know, nothing is absolute. I know that if a cheap $80 Shure were on table 1 and a Benz LP (one of the finest I have ever heard) were on table 2; it really would not be fair, although I am convinced that both of these tables would exhibit, like the best gear, some recognizable information retrieval impressions despite it. To my ear, my decision making would have to be predicated on both cartridges being equal.

Thank you all.

Dear Danhirsh: After your last post: When do you will buy the Rockport or the Walker?

I ask because is weird that in your Agon virtual system you don't listed not only a single cartridge but no analog rig devices. So what's all about your thread?

Regards and enjoy the music,