Forsell Air Reference II Protractor

Hi there:

I just bought a Forsell Air Reference II turntable which is in good shape but does not have the clamp or protractor that came with the table. Does anyone know where I can get one of these protractors or how I can accurately set up my cartridge with the air bearing linear tracking arm of the Forsell Air Reference?

Many thanks for your help.
Hi I owned an ET for many years. You can make one yourself easily because all you need is a straight line from the centre of the spindle parallel to the "bearing tube". Apart from the set up jig for the ET which gave you the distance to mount the arm, the alignment jig was a piece of acrylic approx 1" by 6" with a spindle hole and scribed line. With the ET you can easily change the angle of the arm and all you do is pivot the whole arm until the cartridge tip runs parallel to the scribed line. Then tighten arm to board and adjust "overhang" until cartridge tip follows the scribed line exactly. For aligning the cartridge the body/canterlever should be dead straight ie a rightangle from the straight line.
Great acquisition. The Forsell is one the best sounding turntables ever manufactured.

If you need a copy of the manual please please email me. I have a scanned version (missing page 7) that was sent by a friendly audiogon member.

To get more details look for patent 5463613 in google patents - it is better than a service manual, with the detailed diagrams of the turntable. I have it in PDF version if you do not manage to get it.

Many thanks for the responses it is much appreciated. I cant wait to get this going. Working on redesigning the air pump system which was sadly lacking on the turntable I bought. I think I have this covered, but I will let you know.