turntable for Marantz 8b and 7C

Thoughts on Thorens TD144? I'm told it is a less than popular model but i have access to one and am wondering if i should take it. My wife just bought me a Pro-Ject Debut turntable but it sounds too bright and light paired up with Marantz tube gear i have. should i go for the Thorens or is there something that can be done with the ProJect to beef it up and sound more substantial.
What cartridge are you using? What cables are you using? You might want to look there first.
Thanks Has2be - I'm using cables that are pre-installed with the turntable. there's a ground wire that i hooked up to the amp which reduced some major hum noise but it's still tehre. The cartridge also came pre-installed. not sure which one. i did learn that the Thorens is actually a TD 124, not 144.