Ortofon/Dynavector ? cartridge characteristics

I'm looking for my first high-end cartridge. I've been told that to match my tube preamp, tube amp and TriPlanar arm I'd want something vivid, dynamic and with tight bass. Any suggestions ? I do mostly vocal, opera and chamber music.
Budget up to 4K. Thanks
I had the Dynavector 20Xl for me it gave me a first row center seat which for me was to much in your face. I switched from the Ortophon Kontrapunt B which gave a more back in the orchestra say around 6 or 8 rows and that was much to my liking. Sumiko's Celebration cartridge which I have now is very similar to the Ortophon in its seating characteristics, at least to me. Hope that helps. All of these are considerably less expensive than your 4k budget but may reflect what you get going up the line.
A90 - The best cartridge I have ever experienced, NEUTRAL to a tee, very very dynamic. XV1S - very musical have a nice flow to it - almost breathes music. Between the two the Ortofon A90 would be - is - my desert Island Cart.

On the other end of the scale the Audio Technica AT33EV get's the most of the above 2 super carts vertues right for a fraction of the cost.