Stylus replacement for Shure V-15 v MR

Hi All, I have two Shure V-15vMR cartridges that, like many, need new stylus. Question is: send in to Soundsmith for a re-tip and if so where is the "sweet spot" value wise of their three levels of service? Know each level provides a better end product but enough to justify the expense? Any opinions?

Also, any opinions on the Saunders replacement stylus that is now being marketed at very reasonable price ($79) Is this close enough in sound given the substantial savings?

Lastly, is the V-15 reputation more myth than material. I know it is a very good cartridge, but is it better to just invest the same amount of money into another make/model?

Any opinions greatly appreciated before I decide on a path to take in bringing these back to life.
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Dopogue,my stylus fell apart last night.From whom did you order? If the JICO/SAS is an improvement it would be worth it.
For a quality MM cartridge with a MicroRidge/MicroLine stylus, currently in production with a replaceable stylus, the Audio Technica AT150MLX is pretty hard to beat. It certainly has more sophisticated innards than the Shure, and is wired with PCOCC. I've been using mine for 3 years now, and every improvement in downstream cabling, electronics, and speakers has shown the cartridge's goodness rather than limitations so far. It *is* picky about capacitive loading; 150pF total (including tonearm/turntable cable) seems to be about ideal.

I am tempted, however, to get a Jico stylus for my M97xE to see how competitive it is.
Viridian, "Mid fi" and affordable are synonymous; "High end" and expensive are synonymous. High end sounds better than "Mid fi". Mid fi people subscribed to "Stereo review", while high end people subscribed to "Stereophile".
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