You won't be sorry. His work is excellent and IMO, a great value for what you'll have, when all is said n' done. I can only speak for a Shelter 501 and the 103R, with the mid level retip: ruby canti, nude contact line stylus. As long is there is no inherent issue with the cart (generator, coils, suspension, etc.) it will come back and compete with carts costing much more than the total invested and more than that, just be a great sounding all-arounder.
As far as your plans to "heavy up" a medium weight arm for it. I kind've went that route, although really only heavied up an Orsonic headshell with an added weight & added some tak to both arm tube & counterweight, with an SME 3009. I ran the 103R stock with this and while it worked reasonably well, it was no match for using a medium/low-to-low compliance cart like the 103R, on an arm that weighs in at around 15g. No disrespect intended to Emorrisiv and his tweaks; but IMO, you won't get the most out of your cartridge if you add all of what amounts to, a lot of external damping to the arm tube, shell, etc. Your arm has in all likelihood, already been damped internally and while some tak helped tame some slight buzziness of the stock cart's, crap plastic housing, a nicely machined aluminum body or certain wood bodies, really make the Denons sing. Ymmv and all that :)