Lyra 'house sound'

I've read some posts comparing the Skala/Helikon and now the Kleos. One refers to the Lyra 'house sound,' - sonic signature, I suppose. Can anyone describe it ? I listen mainly to vocal recitals, opera, solo keyboard and chamber. Is it complementary to these genres ?

Also, is the Titan i worth the substantially extra cost, or is it a case of diminishing returns ?
Thanks for asking. TriPlanar is my current arm; think I'll replace an old VPI Mark something with the Brinkmann Bardo. But the game-changer was the Shindo Giscours which I added last month - it made me re-think my whole analog front end, it's that good. This will be my first cartridge replacement since 1995 (I know, I know) and I want to get it right. I listen to vocals, solo keyboard, opera and chamber.
The other cartridge on my really short list is the Shelter 9000, about which I've found precious little feedback. I'll be using the cartridge with a tubed pre-amp and the VAC tubed amp; someone found the Kleos 'heavy' and 'dark' with tubes. The only hesitant reaction I've found to the Titan was that it sounded a bit lean, but I don't know with what system it was used. Glad to know that step ups in price are justified.
Do you consider Transfiguration cartridges as well? Don't know how they would work in this arm though.
I've read that the Phoenix sounds a little 'soft' and that the Orpheus is glary on top, surprising for its price.
Are you planning on running the cartridge directly into your Giscours?

The Delos worked well with my Monbrison, the Lyra Argo did not work at all. The step-up in the Monbrison has been optimized for a very low load (SPU or Miyabi).