SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301

I am just about to buy a new table. I have happily owned an original oracle Delphi for 30 years! Choices are the new 20/3, Oracle Delphi VI or possibly a rebuilt Garrard 301. They all run about the same money.
The reviews and comments out there lead me to believe I will be better off using a non SME arm on the 20/3...I will probably go with a Graham Phantom. (I like the removable arm tube concept too) For now I will use my SME IV.
keep reading the SME detractors claim that the tables are lifeless. Not something you can accuse a Delphi of for sure. The HiFi News reviews of both tables are nothing short of glowing. As far as I can tell the Oracle is possibly more nimble and musical(?) while the SME is more "solid".
Your thoughts are welcom
Dover, come on your reply is just a joke in relation to Oracle, really hard for me to believe you were that gullible not to pick-up the phone and contact Oracle yourself.

Really amazes me what I read in these threads.
Dear LewM, I was wondering if you'd compared that Lenco to other serious tables like SME 20, Brinkman Balance that I mentioned etc? If yes, it would be helpful to hear your impressions.
In any case, it appears that we did confuse the man, and he has an important decision to make.


If opinions is what you want well ... as you can see from above lots of them.

Just look at In_shore thread basically suggesting "DD tables" is the way to go, going to the extent of his thread listing individuals, please!

I have nothing against DD drives personally but what I have heard in set-ups offer a different flavour which might or might not be for you, your choice.

Depending on which table you listen to also, they actually offer different sonics. Lots of info. and owners like Lewm are doing on going tweaks from bearing changes, plinths, re-builds and this and that.

The list goes on and on, a tweakers delight, personally that's not for me.

You mentioned $25k for what you were looking at TW wise, ya I agree costly but all relative, what did that include?

It's going to be really tuff unless you get to touch, feel and listen in your own set-up but for sure something will fit your bill.

I was reading one of your threads above and you saying your current table is broken, that sucks.

The Artisan Fidelity units you mentioned look interesting also, price seems to be reasonable with all considered.

If you are looking at DD table you might want to look at "Kondo The Beat" by Steve Dobbin's otherwise known as member Vetterone. Not cheap again, I think arround $20K.

He is into all types of DD tables, into rebuilding and modding tables but this table is his pride and joy.

This is the table that peaks my interest, a possible second table for me down the road.

Dear Inna, No. I have never heard SME or Brinkmann, but the Balance (belt) or the Bardo (direct-drive) would be on my short list of tt's to buy, if I ever need another one. (What I mean to say is, "never" in my own home system.) I spent quite a few hours listening to The Beat at RMAF last October, in Steve Dobbins' room. Again, in isolation such an audition does not mean much (the ancillary equipment was also first rate), but I did fall in love a bit. I can only hope that my SP10 Mk3 in slate and cherry plinth sounds nearly as good. Sadly, I think the price for The Beat is more like $26K, last I heard.
Thanks again for the balanced input Dev.

I'm also not sold on DD's....but would say that I have not heard one of the tweaked ones in my set up. And I'm not wanting to go the tweakers route for this purchase. Like you, if I want to play later then that's a different thing.
Right now I just want to hear some vinyl again!

The TW price quoted would be an AC-3, TW arm and suitable cart....$25 big ones...price is relative for sure. Thus my quote about the Lotus.

I have so many "holes" in my system....rack...wire...arm/cart...etc that putting all my dollars into a table is not the right way to go.
So...yes the TW or whatever is very relevant and maybe is in my future but my overall short term budget suggests that a sub $10k table with some good money put into a nice (Graham?) arm and cartridge is the way to go.

It's quite amazing how easily one gets sucked into this ;-)
My wife and I were totally ready to pull the trigger on the TW until we looked at each other and laughed.......

As you so perfectly said......"It's going to be really tuff unless you get to touch, feel and listen in your own set-up but for sure something will fit your bill."