"SP10 MK3 is a wonderful table and I would never suggest different but as you know it really does take a bit of effort and money to get the best out of it."
Yes, and I have spent both (effort and money). You may view a photo of the "finished" product in my system portfolio. A slate plinth 2.5 inches thick is bolted to a solid cherry and baltic birch base, to provide constrained damping. The Mk3 chassis is bolted through both sections, from below. Within the wood base is housed a large brass block. A threaded brass rod runs through the block to contact the underside of the bearing housing, a la Albert's plinths. The whole shebang sits on a carefully contrived suspension. The tonearm board is also made of slate, but I also have spares made of aluminum, and brass is planned. The Beat would be outside my budget, is all I meant to say. I prefer the fun of DIY in a perverse way.
By the way, the Mk3 was NOS; nevertheless I had it fully serviced by Bill Thalmann who also does Albert's tables. Bill found several leaky electrolytic capacitors in the power supply, despite or perhaps because of its virgin status. (Charging up an electrolytic periodically will extend its lifespan a bit, compared to its shelf life.) I am sure you would not leave your Veyron sitting around idle.
"SP10 MK3 is a wonderful table and I would never suggest different but as you know it really does take a bit of effort and money to get the best out of it."
Yes, and I have spent both (effort and money). You may view a photo of the "finished" product in my system portfolio. A slate plinth 2.5 inches thick is bolted to a solid cherry and baltic birch base, to provide constrained damping. The Mk3 chassis is bolted through both sections, from below. Within the wood base is housed a large brass block. A threaded brass rod runs through the block to contact the underside of the bearing housing, a la Albert's plinths. The whole shebang sits on a carefully contrived suspension. The tonearm board is also made of slate, but I also have spares made of aluminum, and brass is planned. The Beat would be outside my budget, is all I meant to say. I prefer the fun of DIY in a perverse way.
By the way, the Mk3 was NOS; nevertheless I had it fully serviced by Bill Thalmann who also does Albert's tables. Bill found several leaky electrolytic capacitors in the power supply, despite or perhaps because of its virgin status. (Charging up an electrolytic periodically will extend its lifespan a bit, compared to its shelf life.) I am sure you would not leave your Veyron sitting around idle.