SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301

I am just about to buy a new table. I have happily owned an original oracle Delphi for 30 years! Choices are the new 20/3, Oracle Delphi VI or possibly a rebuilt Garrard 301. They all run about the same money.
The reviews and comments out there lead me to believe I will be better off using a non SME arm on the 20/3...I will probably go with a Graham Phantom. (I like the removable arm tube concept too) For now I will use my SME IV.
keep reading the SME detractors claim that the tables are lifeless. Not something you can accuse a Delphi of for sure. The HiFi News reviews of both tables are nothing short of glowing. As far as I can tell the Oracle is possibly more nimble and musical(?) while the SME is more "solid".
Your thoughts are welcom
Peterayer and Inna....those 2 are high on my list. Especially like the Dyna option.
Diggory...Yes I am also thinking about the Jubilee or A-90.
But just to throw a spanner in the works......
How about a SoundSmith Strain Gauge?
And here's the reason.
I live on a beach and it is very corrosive around here. My MC's don't fair too well with the salt as it corrodes the wires. I have gone through 4 carts in 10 years through failures due to corrosion or rubber failure...never a worn stylus or collapsed cantilever.
MM's fair way better.
But in chatting with Peter Ledermann of SS he explained that he could make the SG almost corrosion proof.
Add to that the fact that it is a user replaceable stylus and it starts looking attractive to me.
All the reviews are more than favorable....actually they are downright raves.
Mauidj, congrats on making your choice and enjoy! as long as you are listening to music that's really all that matters.
Not many here are familiar with the Strain Gauge, even fewer who use it with SME if at all. I certainly have no idea. Cartridge shopping is tough especially at this level.
So true.
Nearly every 20/12 user I have encountered through the forums seem to prefer the XV-1s.
We will see.......