Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade?

l have owned a Kuzma 4Point arm for a few years now mounted on a Kuzma Stabi XL2. l have the opportunity to change to a Kuzma Airline and was hoping to hear from members who have heard both and whether they think the switch is worthwhile. There is not much l can find on the net comparing the two.

For a similar cost l could add two motors to my XL2 converting it to an XL4, could the upgrade there be more significant than the Airline vs. 4Point?

Interested to hear fellow 'Goners opinions.

Thuchan, those were my thoughts. Cartridge matching would be very important. I see the FR-7f is 30grams and low compliance. Yeah, heavy cart would be my guess also. However, I might tend toward more compliance. Stone body Koetsu comes to mind.
Since Kuzma sells (or used to)rebraded ZYX carts l reckon my 4D is a pretty safe bet on an Airline.
Syntax, the 4Point is not as you describe. Perhaps there was a gross mismatch with the cartridge, or maybe the cartridge was poorly set up or imcorrectly loaded. Big, bold, dynamic, tonally rich, low noise, and nuanced are what my customers and I hear. But don't take my word for it: certainly in this price range one should pursue an audition.

Dealer disclaimer.
Thanks for the feedback in this thread. l have committed to buying an Airline so will have all the answers in a week or so :)

congrats Mondie! if you are balancing your TT after mounting you may use small paper leaves (double or more sheets) to put it under one of the TTs edges - just to reach a fully balanced condition. This is helpful for the best working condition of the Airline.

best & fun only - Thuchan