Flip flopped orchestra?

Last night while listening to an LP of "1812 Overture" I've owned since the 70's and heard countless times, I was struck by how crappy it sounded (RCA/Victor red label), and that the violins were on the right side of the sound field, and the cellos and basses were on the left! Imagine my dismay! After all these years I JUST noticed? Huh?! Anyone else ever notice something similar? Could this have anything to do with the often discussed polarity/phase issue?

Many engineers haven't got a clue about the sound field. They just start in with the panpots without any regard for reality. One of my favorite sonic presentations is on the
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto Trio "Midnight Sugar" record. Aside from his awful playing, the listener feels like he's sticking his head up through a hole cut in the soundboard of the piano. There should be a law. Then again, I believe most listeners have no idea what real acoustic instruments sound like in real space, so it really doesn't matter.
To compound the issue some conductors in the old days moved the instruments around based on hall acoustics. eg Stokowski was well known to swap orchestra sections such as brass from one side to the other in some concert halls.