The electricity going into your components from your home's outlets can vary from day to day in both quantity and quality. Tyypically, audio and video components will perform best during non-peak hours (usually later in the evening) when the electrical demand from households and businesses on your local power grid are at their lowest.
I've never experimented with power filters or regenerators, but I can verify that my system sounds best in the evenings. My comments are not meant to discount the other factors, mentioned previously, that can also affect your subjective impressions.
The electricity going into your components from your home's outlets can vary from day to day in both quantity and quality. Tyypically, audio and video components will perform best during non-peak hours (usually later in the evening) when the electrical demand from households and businesses on your local power grid are at their lowest.
I've never experimented with power filters or regenerators, but I can verify that my system sounds best in the evenings. My comments are not meant to discount the other factors, mentioned previously, that can also affect your subjective impressions.