Best type of stylus cleaner??

Hi. I've recently delved back into vinyl after many years. I have an Ortofon Samba MC cartridge. Maybe its an indictment of our housekeeping, but the needle seems to accumulate a lot of dust & tiny hairs or fibers, even after one or two records. I try to clean it after each play, but some of the dust/hairs are difficult to remove. I don't have the best record cleaner (SpinClean), but the dust seems excessive. Ortofon warns of using liquid cleaners; is there a consensus stylus cleaner or brush out there?? Is my problem unusual? Thanks.
Some of you may have noticed, but I accidentally posted two threads with the same question. I didn't think the first one posted, so I wrote another one. Anywho, the concensus is clearly the Mr Clean "Magic Eraser" and the Zerodust. Compulsive as I am, I'll likely alternate both. Thanks everyone! That's what makes Audiogon such an asset!
I just picked up a Zerodust the other day - I was amazed at the glob of gunk that was left behind on the first use (and I had used a liquid cleaner on it just before). My cart sounds awesome too. Well worth the $ (I get the impression it'll last for a long time too).
Now get the Magic Eraser and be really amazed. Follow it up with the Zerodust.