have not had many tuners. I had an Onkyo 9090II(super sensitive, OK sound); Dynaco FM3 (old fashioned sounding), and a Magnum Dynalab MD100 (purchased in 2001) which I upgraded to an MD105 (2012). I also has a Mac MR67 in my home for a few days but it was clearly not working correctly, so I returned it. I also once had a Scott tubed tuner in my home that was DOA. That also went back. Way back I had an Adcom GTP 500II tuner/preamp which was pretty nice. I am now using my MD105, and every so often I get the bug to drive to Audio Classic a few hours drive) and come home with a restored/modded Mac tuner. Maybe one day. The one that got away was a 10b, or more precisely, 2 10b's. I was once way upstate New York and a guy had a store; we got to talking and it came up I was into audio gear and music. He brought me to his stock room where he had two Marantz 10b tuners sitting on a shelf. He wanted $1200. Just the asking price indicated he knew he had something. Had my wife not been with me at that moment, I wonder whether I would have tried to make a deal for at least one of them. Oh well-