And of course steam-cleaning the dirtier records. I couldn't find the highly recommended steamer noted in threads here, so I bought a Rowenta hand steamer at Target (a bad company to workers, unfortunately), albeit with a heavy heart.
Again the steam-cleaning allows for heavy rinses, and I add steam to enzymatic cleaning as well, when it seems 'like the thing to do.'
I can't believe how many people complain that the vpi 16.5 is too noisy. The turntable motor is not loud. And the vacuum motor. Well, umm, it IS a vacuum cleaner. AND you only need have it on for about 3-6 seconds at a time (two or three rotations of the LP). I found it hilarious that folks sometimes compare it to a plane taking off, or require wearing earplugs. I dunno, maybe mine's unusually quiet, but I use it on the floor atop a carpet.
The pain is in emptying the dirty fluid from reservoir. BUT it looks like really dirty water --or fine amber-color, peat-flavored smoky scotch--depending on how you view brown water-based liquids.
Again the steam-cleaning allows for heavy rinses, and I add steam to enzymatic cleaning as well, when it seems 'like the thing to do.'
I can't believe how many people complain that the vpi 16.5 is too noisy. The turntable motor is not loud. And the vacuum motor. Well, umm, it IS a vacuum cleaner. AND you only need have it on for about 3-6 seconds at a time (two or three rotations of the LP). I found it hilarious that folks sometimes compare it to a plane taking off, or require wearing earplugs. I dunno, maybe mine's unusually quiet, but I use it on the floor atop a carpet.
The pain is in emptying the dirty fluid from reservoir. BUT it looks like really dirty water --or fine amber-color, peat-flavored smoky scotch--depending on how you view brown water-based liquids.