Rubber Washer VPI Scout

They mention that the table should be level but with the rubber washer around the spindle the record will not be level and pitched away from the spindle no matter how much you crank down on it. Would it make more sense to level the plinth where the tonearm is located?
Hopefully they the two are level at the same time. Are you seeing a difference?
I just wish the rubber washer was thinner so the record would be level. Maybe there is a reason it is not level?


I think that Harry's clamp is ingenius especially if you don't use a ring and have a slightly warped record.

Go to home depot or other hardware store and pick up some of the rubber material they put behind shower walls. Just a small piece. They sell it buy the foot. It is about half the thickness of the VPI washer. Make yourself a washer. Now you have one to use with less warped records.

For flat records (most) I have filled in the platter indent with a piece of circular cut cardboard - cereal box - pick your favourite - Cocoa Puffs.
It is the exact thickness in talking with Mike years ago. I then use the VPI clamp without rubber washer or another favourite weight. I like the HRS one.

If its a record I like and it is dish warped or not flat then I remove the material, put on the appropriate size rubber washer with the VPI clamp. No its not level especially toward the inner grooves but best for the situation. If I really like that record - I buy another one and hope for a flat one. Good luck.
Level the entire table with the bullet level on the platter, about where the needle would drop. Do not try to level the platter alone.