Furutech deStat original v's Furutech deStat II

Has anyone tried both these units. I'm trying to find out if one is better/more effective than the other for vinyl.

I'm using an industrial spot ion blower. They are used in ESD sensitive enviroments, e.g. electronics production lines in factories. No "audiophile" junk, real industrial application,
beter models have ion balance feedback regulation, different fan speeds etc. One can find them on auction sites for $20-$100 depending on a model/condition (new ones in the shops are +/- same price as Furutech). It's important to have a corona discharge one, not the alpha source which emits ions continously but the alpha particle source has to be replaced once in a year.
I suspect Furutech is one of them just put into battery powered handy package and rebranded...and 5x the price.

I owned both items & found that deStat II has improved the
performance by 20-30% ,more quiet & details but the original is easier to handle while using on lp.

I did not see where Sugar stated that the destat was "100%" effective. Also, fyi if you have $100.00 and i give you $200.00 I have just given you 200% of what you previously had (speaking quantitatively) :)