Sota Cosmos tonearm?

I just bought a Sota Cosmos Series IV. Any recommendations as to a tonearm for this table. I have SME 309, Linn Ittok and ET2 arms, as well as Rega 300, Roksan Tabriz, Grace 704, Helius Aureus and Hadcock 228.

Anyone have experience with this table?
I used to be a Sota Distributor and have installed many arms on the Sota. Personal favourites ET2 and SME V. ET2 - massive pinpoint soundstaging and excellent timing. SME V very organic warm and solid sound, we had success with Van den hul cartridges in this combo. ET2 I ran mostly Carnegie's and Koetsu's.
If you are running an ET2 I found the following mods to be useful - removal of internal dampening in armtube, removal of shrinkwrap on armtube and you can add magnetic dampening to the lateral movement by placing a fridge or cupboard door magnet under the bearing tube. This last mod is quite dramatic and doesn't have the disadvantages of a fl;uid dampening trough. I also removed the soft plastic inside the headshell and replaced it with carbon fiber.