Advice on first MC cartridge

I have a Merrill/Scillia modded AR tt with a Rega (moth)301 arm, AT 150-mlx
cart and Ray Samuels Nighthawk phonostage. I like the cartridge but would like to try moving coil in the $1k-2k new or used range. I really like the musicality of this cartridge but think I could get more detail, extension etc. Anyone with a Rega tonearm that has a good match with a higher end Dynavector, Ortofon,
Lyra, Clearaudio etc. Any advice appreciated.
George (my wife is auntjenof2)
My first Lyra was on Rega P25 and after having a Grado, Benz Glider I wanted a MC Cart and the Lyra Lydian was a wonderful match for the table and arm. In the price range you provide you can buy a new Delos or a good clean used Helikon and a Skala just was listed for under 2K but sold promptly. Keep your eyes open here and you will find a deal or just get the Delos. It is a great cart with new technology and sounds awesome for 1500.00
Second the Delos recommendation. Also Dyna 17d3 if you like your music very detailed and quick. The Ortofon Kontrapunkt B or Windfield used would fit in your price range also. Very nice, detailed cartridges.
You can compare the Denon with the Dynavector at this site:

On the left, If you click on "mm cartridges" you can also compare them with your AT.

George, put a Dyna 20x2, either L or H, on your list and save a few bucks.

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