Dear Mike, Did you actually hear a difference between a Reed 2A and a Reed 2P? I thought the only difference between those two was the fine-ness of the VTA adjustment up and down.
Syntax, Thanks for the humor break. That is one of my favorite Monte Python bits.
Raul, What is the evidence that lowest possible friction at the pivot is a major determinant of goodness of a pivoted tonearm?
Lharasim, I am interested in linear trackers, but I am not interested in air pumps, filters, tubing, pump noise, etc, that inevitably go with them. Plus, if they are not perfectly adjusted in all planes, there is a kind of "chronic" tracing distortion across the entire LP. I agree they do sound "different" from pivoted tonearms, as a class.
Syntax, Thanks for the humor break. That is one of my favorite Monte Python bits.
Raul, What is the evidence that lowest possible friction at the pivot is a major determinant of goodness of a pivoted tonearm?
Lharasim, I am interested in linear trackers, but I am not interested in air pumps, filters, tubing, pump noise, etc, that inevitably go with them. Plus, if they are not perfectly adjusted in all planes, there is a kind of "chronic" tracing distortion across the entire LP. I agree they do sound "different" from pivoted tonearms, as a class.