Bang for the buck

I've got some money to spend but it must be spent wisely. I would like to know what would give a better result. A new tonearm or a new platter/clamp?

I have a Gyrodec SE with an Audio Note Arm One and new Sumiko Blue Point EVO III.

Looking to u/g the arm or platter or possibly only the clamp. Any suggestions on which would give me more sound?
Plus 1 on the room treatments.
Theres not enough money in the world to spend on equipment, that a room correctly treated will accomplish.
How do you know he's not listening through headphones? Yeah, get some room treatments. Get some new shoes while you're at it. Couldn't hurt, right?
Room treatments are a non-issue. Taken care of.

I've just picked up a technoarm and am listening as I write.

Big improvement! No comparison!

So what's next?