ZYX cartridge looking for advises

I did my homework already, was trying to get an answer on many Audiogon forum places, but still few things to clarify. I know how busy you are, would appreciate for helping.

I am looking to buy Airy 3, low output, copper coil, with SB.
Would VPI Classic or Airy with JMW10.5i be sufficient to handle this cart properly (I read that JMW 9 is considered as underachiever for this)?
Would it be “mandatory” to get VTA on the fly, I know you are a big fan of adjusting VTA for each disk/play?

How to be sure that cart is brand new and the blue ZYX securing tape was never removed and reinstalled back/glued or so, how do the original blue secure tape ends are connected together, any kind of thermal press or so?

I would appreciate for your comments.
Markd51, thanks for your excellent feedback, that was the information I was looking for.
I use an Airy 3 SB with my VPI Classic. Before purchase I asked VPI if it was compatible with the Classic. They gave me an enthusiastic "yes". It takes an effort to dial in but once it is in the groove it sings very nicely.

I love the ZYX sound. It will take a lot to make me switch carts.

@ Bnrlaw: The Classic even with the standard 10.5 arm is a big step up from the Scout (I have owned both)
Davems, thanks for sharing your experience.
I am settled already on Airy 3 X-SB.
The last thing I need to decide - is it VPI Classic or Airy will be my ZYX cart "carrier"?
I am sure you will be happy with your purchase. Being able to dial in the vta on the 10.5 arm should make a nice difference over the 9arm.
However, I still think a unipivot arm is not the best arm for the ZYX. I would love to hear from anyone else who has heard the ZYX on different arms.
When you set up the ZYX, set the arm height (SRA/VTA) as follows:

With a light shining behind the Stylus the diamond should be 92 degrees (2 degree tilt forward) resting on a record with typical thickness. Use a magnifying glass. Compare the angle to an index card (with a vertical line and 2 degree line). Take your time.

Next make very fine adjustments (a few index marks), (each mark is 1/3 of 1/10,000") on the VPI 10.5 arm. Listen for 3D, dynamics, and deep sound stage. Hard bright sound, and over tight bass - lower very slightly. Rolled off highs, and loose bass - raise very slightly.

After 20 or 30 hours of playback, fine tune, in fractions of one index mark.

I use the original VPI JMW 10, with no cable twist, VTF of 1.9 gm, and the ZYX Airy 3 is the best I have heard!

Arm height adjustment to the ninth degree, is a make or break, to get the best from the ZYX Airy 3.

Do not believe those that say the VPI JMW 10 or 12 series is a poor match!