Tube Phono Stage vs Solid State What do you think?

I am thinking of getting a phonostage and is looking at ASR Basis Exclusive 2010 solid state unit, BAT VK P-10SE with super pack, and Allnic H3000. I have never heard any of these units and would like to hear your opinion on solid state phono stage vs tube phonostage. And also your opinion on these units that I am looking at.
Lewm- If you think about it, it makes sense. For any single individual, the best sounding [insert component here] will tend to converge, because they are closest to that person's "absolute sound" (irony intended; we each have our own absolute).
Dear Stanwal: That you like op-amps it only means that but that that's the best way to go.

As I said: all depends of what you are looking for. If the ASR op-amps fill your gap good for you: that's your quality level " you die for ", mine is different.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Swampwalker, Oh yes. Without a doubt. "Great" = the sound I seek. But give or take a few details, I don't think we are all so different from one another in what we seek. Anyway, one's own absolute sound and the difference between two phono stages that both sound "great" to the same guy might or might not be the same thing.
"But not" is exactly my response to most of Raul's posts. It is facinating to me that after years of recomending obsolete MM cartridges he is now singing the virtues of a moving coil. Does that mean his earlier posts are no longer valid? Unlike him I judge componets by the way they sound and not what is inside; some very good equeptment uses opamps, some junky ones do too. Ditto tubes, ditto mosfets and so on. While we are slinging mud let me say if he had better speakers he might have different opinions.