How does the drum kit sound on your rig?

I have heard it said that if you dial in the cymbals the rest takes care of itself. Do you find this to be true?

Can your system go BANG! I don't mean letting the magic smoke out but the sound - BANG!
Not thud, thump, pfud, pud, etc, but BANG like a gun or hammer hitting a piece of wood.

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Mine Sounds exactly like a drum kit is there in the room. I should know because I have a drum kit also. You need an appropriate recording like Sheffield labs drum tracks as most drums are compressed on the majority of commercially available music.

This is if course loud, very very loud and dynamic, very very dynamic but that is exactly how a drum kit sounds. Timbre is extremely important.

A drum kit is the ultimate test of a system
First, I would "never, ever" want to listen to a real drum set in my living room....I have a friend who has a large setup in his basement.......yikes!

That said, My system reproduces drums very well......but scaled down to the volume levels I listen at....80- 90db's

Drums and cymbals do sound REAL on my system. In fact a good rim shot will make you duck for cover!