I'm fairly new to vinyl. In my haste to put together a fairly nice front end, I have created a mis-match between my cart, phono stage and my linestage. I have a Clearaudio Maestro cart feeding a ARC PH-7 feeding an Aesthetix Calypso. The PH-7 is over driving the Caypso with no way to reduce the output without sacrificing quality of sound. (attentuators don't work. In dropping the output, they also compromise the signal quality)) I can go to a low output MC coil cart, or change one of my preamps. I'm looking for a WARM sound with all the usual qualities one would want in a good sounding system. The MC cart seems like the way to go, but the $$ keeps piling up as it so often does in this hobby. Suggestions please.
FWIW, the Rothwell Attenuators, and I would imagine most other comparable devices, are configured in the same manner as what Jonathan has described, with a series resistor, and with a shunt resistor at their output. I have a pair of the Rothwell's, and as measured with my not particularly accurate analog multimeter the series resistor has a value of about 21K, and the shunt resistor has a value of about 9.5K. In conjunction with the Calypso's 20K unbalanced input impedance (the PH-7 does not provide balanced outputs), that will result in an attenuation of about 12.6db. The load impedance seen by the PH-7 with the attenuators in place would be a presumably comfortable 27.4K. The attenuators are intended to be placed directly at the input connectors of the destination device (the Calypso in this case), so cable capacitance would not be an issue.

Handymann, while I'm not sure that 12.6db will be a sufficient amount of attenuation (given that the cartridge will probably exceed its 3.6mv nominal output by a considerable amount on the peaks of some material), I repeat my earlier comment that I'm surprised that you reported significant sonic degradation using an attenuator. Can you indicate what model attenuator you used, how much attenuation it provided, and exactly where in the system it was connected?

-- Al
I tried both GOLDENJACKS and ROTHWELL attentutors. Both do the job they have been assigned, however I did notice a slight difference in the clarity of the sound. Having spent money to achieve more clarity, this was obviously not a viable solution. For some systems they might be just the thing and are for sale if anyone wants them.
Both the Aesthetix as well as the PH-7 are excellent pieces of equipment and sound VERY good separately as I'm sure they will together with a lower output cart. I didn't consider possibly needing a variable output on the 7, or a variable input on the Calypso-but should have. I really appreciate all the responses and various suggestions to help remedy my problem. A lower output cart is on it's way.
Soon, the Calypso and the 7 should be working well together.

The real issue is one you highlighted, that your turntable is way below the level of your phono stage and preamp. Therefore a good low output moving coil will potentially be too good for the arm and sound awful. My suggestion would be to find a lower output cartridge of medium to high compliance for the budget arm on your deck. My suggestion would be to look at the Grado MI cartridges as they have Moving Iron cartridges with 0.5mv output in both the Reference and Statement Series from about $350. The other recommendation would be the cheaper Benz MC's with low output as they are medium compliance.
How did you come to the conclusion that in-line attenuators degraded the sound quality? How did you perform a level matched comparison?

From your original post the phrase that jumped out at me is "in my haste". Has it even been 30 days since you got the new preamp and phono preamp? And now you want to change cartridges and/or one of the preamps. My suggestion is to slow down and carefully consider your options.