Well first I will tell you that recording your vinyl to open reel is going to become an expensive undertaking. Unless you have some very prized collectable albums your money would be better off spent on a higher end Analog to Digital converter like a Apogee rosetta 200.
Transfer your vinyl over to a computer based server connected to your audio system
To answer your original question, pass on the Maxell tape at best you will only be able to purchase NOS tape. Who knows how it was stored. That will always be a mystery. Not to mention the hassle competing in some Flea-bay auction for a few NOS tapes that are bid up well beyond what they are realy worth.
Go to US recording online and purchase fresh RMGI tape for a consumer level deck. If you have a Studer A-810 Otari 5050 or something further up the food chain you can give the ATR tape a try.
ATR is great tape for 15ips recording and do make excellent live recordings.
For what you are going to pay for 10+ year old Maxell tape you will be close to new RMGI and this will help to support both companies to continue to produce new fresh stock
Transfer your vinyl over to a computer based server connected to your audio system
To answer your original question, pass on the Maxell tape at best you will only be able to purchase NOS tape. Who knows how it was stored. That will always be a mystery. Not to mention the hassle competing in some Flea-bay auction for a few NOS tapes that are bid up well beyond what they are realy worth.
Go to US recording online and purchase fresh RMGI tape for a consumer level deck. If you have a Studer A-810 Otari 5050 or something further up the food chain you can give the ATR tape a try.
ATR is great tape for 15ips recording and do make excellent live recordings.
For what you are going to pay for 10+ year old Maxell tape you will be close to new RMGI and this will help to support both companies to continue to produce new fresh stock