Best REEL TO REEL blank tape?

Hi. I am about to buy a Pioneer RT 909 open reel tape deck to record many of my LPs on. I have been out of the open reel tape deck game for more years than I can count. My understanding is that Maxell UD-180 tape is top notch (the "best" is always debatable). I also understand that this Maxell tape was their latest to be manufactured -- late '90s -- 2003. Are my assumptions correct? What open reel tape do YOU recommend for 10" reels and why? Thanks for your help. Cal.
Herman my friend, go to reel to reel on this forum and be enlightened. All things are foreign until you have experienced them.

I understand completely, I do not need to be enlightened.

It distorts what's on the record in a way that you find pleasing. You choose to call this "better." I have no problem with that.

By recording it you change the frequency response both recording and playing back, the dynamic range changes, there is distortion from wow and flutter as well as the introduction of tape hiss and distortion on peaks when it saturates. You also introduce harmonic distortion in the active devices (transistor or tube) that you've added as well as the cabling. This can't be argued. These distortions are very real and measurable.

I'm sure there are many records that do benefit from this distortion. Better is in the ear of the beholder but don't try to make it sound like something magical is going on.

Yes, this better/worse/different subject was extensively discussed here. In some ways some recordings can sound better to some ears, mine included. But it takes a well-aligned and tuned great deck with great tape to make this discussion valid, I think.


I'm unacquainted with the RT 909...can you bias the deck for a particular tape?

C1ferrai -- not sure. I am less into "perfect" sound with this R2R project. I believe that Maxell UD tape will work just fine as will some of the current production tape from U.S. Recording (referenced in an earlier post on this thread). I will be taping LPs from a Clearaudio Concept table and I just want to have fun with my music and watch the reels spin. If you have doubts about the Maxell UD type tape then please let me know.