Esoteric K-03

Thinking of buying the K-03 used but have read a few complaints about noisy transports. If I should buy used and inherit a noisy unit not sure if Esoteric would be willing to service it...any thoughts or experiences please.
@ Cerrot, How does the soundstage sound like at this many hours, do you detect eany forward sound?, what rowe in seating would you say you hear, rowe a ,d , f, ?, cheers.
@ Judyazblues, Was your post a real one concerning the soundstage abilities of a Esoteric K-03 player?, what do you mean by Audiomindlessinth?, Really, I hope you are not making fun of me or my user name here!, because if you are, I would like to know how many years of exsperience you have in audio, and what have you contributed to audio?, I have 34 years exsperience, and have done a couple of inventions as well in audio!, so when I ask about soundstage presatation, It is not a joke!, I am and was a touring musician too!, again, Really, I know what live music should sound like!, there is no such a sound as a forward sound with live music!, so in the end, my question is very valid!, I only want a realistic sound and will never settle for any less!
The soundstage is fineand not forward. The row changes with the recording. Like I said, you just have to hear it.