Lehmann Black Cube question

This phono pre has been around for some time,
in production.

Does anyone here who has familiarity with this unit
know about what sort of evolutionary changes the
Black Cube has undergone over the years ?

If one were to purchase a used Cube, are there any that
might be considered "better" for one reason or another,
or are all versions just fine ?

Thanks much for any insight.
I'm certainly grateful for the comments, gents.
I know some folks have a higher regard for the BC,
but I've never listened to one and have no opinion at all.
I'm inclined to look elsewhere.
I wonder if I should start another thread:
Good (not Best) solid state phono pre for $1000, + or -,
new or used.
I evaluated 3 of the black cube phono stages about a year ago now. The Black Cube lasts about 1 hour to determine that it had warmed up enough. The SE with its external power pack was a vast improvement over the basic black cube. Then, again after about 1 hour, the Decade was switched in and again it was an improvement over the SE version.

The decade was a sub-standard phono stage in my evaluation.

I settled on a Manley Steelhead.
I have only heard and owned the first black cube. The rest of the system was denon 103, systemdek IIX table, profile arm, manely stingray and nautilus 805 speakers. This was an extremely good sounding, full bodied, dynamic sound. Not analytical at all with tons of prat. The black cube is dead silent as is the manley. The lehmann isn't state of the art! but is a real fun musical phono imho. This system was a bit bright on occasion (not because of the cube) but even these days i still think back with fond memories about that sound and even entertain going back to a similar system! This was my experience with it...