Benz Ruby ZH or Wood SM?

Any thoughts or ideas? According to the website , these are both now updated to S-Class status but the differences mainly being the Ruby ZH has the Zebra wood body vs the Bruyere wood of the Wood SM. The other difference is the Ruby ZH .7mV has an internal impedence of 80 ohms (pretty high) vs the .8mV Wood SM of only 24 ohms(much better). And of course, a huge difference in price between the two.

All thoughts, ideas, comments are encouraged and welcome.
Hello Audioquest4life,

I look forward to hearing how you feel the Ruby Z compares to your LPS. It is said that the various wood bodies do have an affect on the what extent I am not sure. You'll have to tell us what you think. I agree with you though, as I prefer the look of the Zebra wood body over that of the Ebony as well.

I could not opt for the LPS due to the additional weight of that cartridge....I'd have to get heavier counter weights,etc. Also, I need at least .7mV of output or else I would have to go with another phonostage....and I am quite happy with my current phonostage.

Take care,
No Regrets

I too will be interested to hear your reactions to the Ruby Z. I have a 3-year old LP. I have been thinking about trading it in on the LP-S, but maybe the Ruby Z is an alternative.
Hi Guys,

We are all waiting anxiously for this new Ruby Z. Personally, I am hoping that there will not be much of a different in sound between the two cartrdiges, because that means the Ruby Z, at a lower price is just as good as the LPS.

I have not found anything on the Internet, to include forums, any feedback about the new Zebra. Perhaps it is to new.

I will give my comparative impressions of the two as soon as I get the Zebra.

I just picked up my Ruby Z today. I will attempt to mount it today or tomorrow. I will post initial impressions immediately. It will be nice to compare the Benz LPS against the Ruby Z. Both arms will be SME V's and the phono stage will be the Aesthetix IO Signature with Silver Breeze phono cables.
