The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....

.... survived the test of time with flying colors.

Would like to know your mind about what MM and MI cartridges did really survive in our memory and were able to hold their sonic standard against all fashions.
I have maybe a hundred different ones, and two stand out. One is the Technics 205C-IIX. It is a moving magnet type. The other is the TRX3, a moving iron type. Both stand tall when compared with virtually any moving coil I have ever heard, except the Lyra Olympus. That one is in a class of its own.
I'd be very interested in hearing from someone who has a Virtuoso - SS tip w/ruby. I read somewhere that it's remarkable. That's not far fetched. The Maestro has the same generator and it's a boron/micro. Unlike a MC, it would be reversible. You could even swap styli and compare.
Dear D,
It surprises me that you start a thread about MM/MI cartridges when I can't remember a single MM cartridge that you have mentioned in the past or any that you claim to have influenced you?
Is there an agenda to you question? :^)