matching cartridge and speakers

A lot of talk about matching cartridge and arm, and cartridge and phono. And rightly so.
However, that's not all, I believe. These are two points where energy transformation happens. The rest, with the exception of turntable itself, are just supporting structures and "wire with gain". Cartridge and speakers make music.
inna opinion is that there is no reason to match these two; another opinion, that perhaps it could make sense but we wouldn't know how to do it, and yet another one is that we would even be unable to give a more or less clear definition of what to call a match here. And I could guess that someone would say: " If we do this let's also match the table with tubes in power amp ".
Yes, exactly thats the spirit !
(ie) : 300B=sweetness, 211=soundstage, 6c33c=definition
and : BD=lazy, ID=power, DD=flat

BUT : In their best implementation, they must leave no desire for an alternative and this is our will when we choose to buy an item. If we are tolerate and mistakenly accept any wrong of their general family label as an inherent fault, its like we buy something we don't like from start and then we try to fix it with another's item fault. Allways we are in search for the least compromise in everything without any prejudge. If I've heard an amp that I don't like, it does'nt mean the topology or the tube is not to my liking in every other implementation. An example for me was the Jadis Defy 7 a pentode Push-pull capable for greatness in most systems.

When I substitute my DP80 for a Symphonic Line RG6, my Goldmund monoblocks have had a stroke in preservation of timing. After many trials with power amps (PP, SET, OTL) and many other TTs, I've become aware that this SL RG6 was a very bad BD implementation in keeping the timing intact, while the Goldmund power amps love to analyse this in a big way. In such a desperate realisation and trying to save my losted money, I've made more wrong decisions such as pairing this TT with amps that masking its timing problems. Perhaps the outcome as a result in this mix is a great cheater for my audiophile friends, but for me that I've experienced step by step this personal undergoing of adopting & rescue the reputation of this TT, it is an unreversible tragedy knowing the compromise that I accept from the begining. A lesson that I've learn the hard way.

So, yes. " If we do this let's also match the table with tubes in power amp ". The analogy is correct. The results are the same. In the best form of it we can create a cheater monster.
Congratulations for your guts of posting such a topic.
Well, if I didn't knew before, than I know now why high-end audio is called by some bright minds "big boys toy- and dreamland".
Kind of "have no idea where to go from here, but will do so with high pace, past experience and all my strength" -approach.
This is a kind of naive devotion to audio, which helps a whole industry making their money with very little pressure regarding quality products.
In all respect - unless I am missing a brilliant self-sarcasm here - the last two posts by Geoch can't be serious.
Dear Dertonarm the world of audio is not only for the exclusive elite of yours that you pass from many stages from inside, but also in this world were many more naive souls that need any help that you can offer. Of course I don't mean Inna. His is the hero who find the courage to post this thread. Υou are in doubt regarding the manipulated sence of the logic coherence that the industry propels? Do you accept the mafia of the audio magazines & all of the fake reviews that manipulate the crowds? Why do you want to leave this situation intact?
Yes I like to believe that you misunderstand my reply, cause If you believe in the "each his own" religion of unconsciousness, then your experience its worthless once you cannot share it. So, go ahead and sing with your friends : Live & Let Die
You see now why this is one hell of a brave thread.
I spit on every elit.
Dear Geoch, this is not about elitist behavior nor such a state of mind - it is about logic and using one's brain.
"Matching" speaker and cartridge.
Oh please .... I certainly have a lot of understanding for many "each his own"-attitudes.
I am certainly not questioning Inna's original post - I have no problem with the initial question.
"Bravery" ultimately is the overcome of fear.
So fear has to be present to display bravery.
Don't think that Inna was driven by fear nor bravery here - he put out a unusual question.
Matching is of paramount importance in analog as well as digital audio.
You will find few people out there at all who are more concerned and involved in exactly this aspect of fine-tuning an audio set-up.

But - and this is my vital point here - even the idea of "matching" the first and last step of the audio chain implicit that you do so to mask/compensate accepted faults in the rest of the chain.
If this seems as a suitable way to anything near a balanced sounding system, than - sorry - you are lost from the very beginning.
And - it's élite, not elit.