matching cartridge and speakers

A lot of talk about matching cartridge and arm, and cartridge and phono. And rightly so.
However, that's not all, I believe. These are two points where energy transformation happens. The rest, with the exception of turntable itself, are just supporting structures and "wire with gain". Cartridge and speakers make music.
Now you talking. We were in a complete agreement from start. The only difference is that I choose to focus on the brain storm after the marketing onslaught in our hobby and how can alter the logical steps to the direction of a twisted reality.
And -it's epilogue, not epigraph.
>>10-02-11: Geoch
And -it's epilogue, not epigraph<<

Sorry Aristotle, epigraph was used correctly.

Epigraph- "A motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme".

Epilogue- "A short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play".

And it's "now you're talking", not "not you talking".

Unless of course you be from the hood.
Bill, the key word is "the conclusion" and this I believe Daniel means by closing this theme.
OK my English are lousy, but as you see, I'm trying hard to express something important here so, don't be such a picky Bill now.
Well, not many people participate. They are still talking about best cartridges and power cords when it is obvious that there are no such things.
There is always both science and art involved in whatever we want to match. I wanted to stress the art part.
It is possible that at least in some cases people are not satisfied with their clearly great systems because this link, cartridge-speakers, is not the best to their taste.
Dear Inna, I certainly have to the slightest problem with "stressing the art part" of the game. However I noticed the the 160+ top-flight audio set-ups I have visited and listened to in my life, that the "science" should be solved first.
You won't find any great painter in history who was without decent technique.
Finding the right cartridge for a given tonearm and phonostage is a task. And finding the "right" one can tailor the whole sound of your system to your needs. The initial idea of matching cartridge to speaker however means the entire rest of the audio chain - from cartridge leads clips to speaker wire - would behave like a perfect no-loss straight wire.
This is wishful thinking with no correlation to the real world.
Especially so, as speaker x-over and the cartridge itself do have very important parameters to be matched with their direct next partners (tonearm and output stage of power amplifier).