....there must be an adjustment to accommodate the precise weight/rotational mass of the platter + mat, to make the STOP button work exactly right.P.22 of the TT-10 Service Manual.....
D. Quick stop adjustment:-So by using any weight of mat desired....one may adjust the Quick Stop mechanism by way of the two variable resistors as Banquo mentioned earlier.
* With the turntable mounting two 30 cm LP records rotating at 33 1/3 rpm, depress the stop button, then adjust VR647 until the turntable stops without reverse movement.
* Set the turntable to 45 rpm and mount a 30 cm LP record (approx. 200 gm) then adjust in the same manner using VR646.
* Confirm that the turntable without a record and running at 33 1/3 or 45 rpm is stopped by the quick stop after slight movement forward.
This Quick Stop mechanism is independent of the platter speed and servo controls which can be easily verified by checking the speed consistency and accuracy with a variety of mats using the Timeline.....