Correction - the lead-out starts at approx. 60mm and the record goes to 160mm, so I guess it would be more like 105mm from the spindle.
I have a few records that are recorded much closer to the label. You'd have to experiment. VE has a free download protractor called Chpratz. It's a calibrated straight line with a grid all the way and calibrated with distance from the spindle.
One thing that peaked my interest was a comment by one of the reviewers. He thought the shorter version of the arm sounds better - less resonance and vibrations. I was thinking of getting one of those straight arm DJ tables just to try it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
I have a few records that are recorded much closer to the label. You'd have to experiment. VE has a free download protractor called Chpratz. It's a calibrated straight line with a grid all the way and calibrated with distance from the spindle.
One thing that peaked my interest was a comment by one of the reviewers. He thought the shorter version of the arm sounds better - less resonance and vibrations. I was thinking of getting one of those straight arm DJ tables just to try it, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.