Henry, Come back to me with actual numbers to describe the possible change in mounting distance, given what you perceive to be the problem. My listening room varies in ambient temp by about 4 F degrees, from 68 to 72. According to my calculation, the fractional expansion of an alu bar (which this is not) would be .000052 (4 times 13*10^6, using the inches/F coefficient) over this 4 degree F span of temperatures. Further, the aluminum yoke embraces a stainless steel and brass pod (yes, a heavy and damped pod like yours, except it does not touch the shelf) that in turn embraces the vertical shaft of the tonearm in a clamping collet (not with a flimsy set screw). The alu is constrained from expanding and contracting by the bond between it and that pod plus the fact that it is also surrounded by the concrete-like material that constitutes the plinth itself. In other words, your critique of the L07D is off the mark, at best, and a sidebar to the central question. But let's stop here; I am OK with your belief structure; it has no effect on me whatever, and I am sure your music sounds just fine. This is all about splitting hairs anyway.
Dear Thuchan, I may be wrong in my assessment of the top line MS tonearm mounts; I have only ever seen them in photos. Possibly they are more rigid than they appear to be. If so, my apologies.
Dear Thuchan, I may be wrong in my assessment of the top line MS tonearm mounts; I have only ever seen them in photos. Possibly they are more rigid than they appear to be. If so, my apologies.