Vibraplane: Should it be loaded close to limit?

I just bought a Vibraplane 2210. It has a maximum load of 275 lbs. I plan to put my unsuspended SME Model 10 turntable on it, replacing my Townshend Seismic Sink. My question is this: Because my turntable only weights about 30 lbs, should I preload the Vibraplane to get the total load with my turntable closer to the maximum load? Will this improve the isolation? If so, what do you recommend I use to preload it? I was thinking a sheet of steel, aluminum or granite. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I just replied to your email. That looks really nice but I'm partial to black. :-) I see you answered my question about the total weight now on your VP. Your findings make sense regarding loading closer to max rating. IIRC, many iso devices show graphs of the increased isolation as the load gets above 50, 60%. Scott probably has forgotten more info about this than I have found.

Things like this keep putting off my Loricraft.
You are most welcome, Palasr. I've done some more listening and can further
describe the improvement as being somewhat like the difference between a 33
1/3 recording and one at 45 RPM. The stylus seems to be pulling more
information from the grooves for a more complete musical experience.

Another thing I have noticed since I have added the ballast to the VP is that the
stylus has some gunk on it after playing some recordings. I have rarely seen this
since I improved my cleaning regimen. I will have to look at this some more,
but I wonder if the isolation is now at a point where the lack of miniscule
vibrations allows the stylus to ride lower in, and more centered in, the absolute
bottom of the groove. This may result in it picking up some dirt that was
previously untouched by (below the reach of) the stylus.

This is only speculation on my part, but I'm curious if this makes sense or if
anyone else has similar experience.