Best platter mat for Acrilic platter ?

Hi All,am currently using the Harmonix platter mat on an Amazon 1, any suggestions as to which mat will increase my enjoyment of music ?
Origin Live doesn't recommend a mat for their acrylic platters either. You can sense a trend here.
Thank you all for your responses, Harmonix mat is now off TT.
It never accured to me to use TT without a mat.
Thanks all.
I used a Herbie's mat with the stock aluminum platter on my Pro-Ject 1Xpression with great results. I upgraded the platter to Pro-Ject's acrylic platter. The Herbie's mat over damped everything; they sucked together. The original felt mat that came with the Xpression sounded a bit better. No mat worked far better.

Like you, it didn't occur to me to skip the mat at first. It wasn't until I saw a picture of a turntable with acrylic platter and no mat playing an LP that I considered it.