CPI super platter vs. Classic aluminum platter

Have you compared both? Which is best performer?
I got intrigued by the inverted bearing Classic platter and looked on the VPI website. On Harry's forum back in April he discussed the topic at length. When asked if it might become a standard item in their catalog, he responded that he was considering making up a batch of them if there were enough interest, but never mentioned how to express that interest. I currently have a belt-drive SSM Reference with a super platter & Boston Mat2. I have been following the debate here about the relative advantages of the Classic vs. Super Platter for several years. I was never swayed by the Classic camp enough to try a Classic platter until now. If enough others are interested, maybe we can get VPI to do a run of them.
Mcbuddah, there is the standard inverted bearing for the Classic platter, which uses VPI super lube or white lithium grease. I had this platter, then upgraded to an inverted bearing with oil pumping bronze grooves in the platter, and I use a light synthetic oil (Liquid Bearings). This is a custom order. Sounds like you are talking about the oil pumping inverted bearing, not the standard inverted bearing. This is a worthwhile upgrade as platter turns with more ease and less resistance and is quieter.
I'm a long time VPI user.

VPI, to their credit, constantly listens and updates their product line for better sonics.

Here's the problem... they leave their customers out in the cold as far as being proactive in regards to their upcoming product lines or their ongoing product line issues and how that relates to their loyal customers ongoing issues.

I know of no other company anywhere in America that has such a strong loyal following despite of this companies' inability or pure lack of trying to be proactive in regards to their product updates, their product failings, or their product's future. It really is remarkable!

It's almost like they view us, their customers, as their own form of advertisement! In spite of all of the failings, somehow they make it work. Wow!