Dear Dertonarm: Like with the Wave Kinetics and Onedof new TT designs now you follow dimish every new TT design like this one Air Force One.
Why in one way or the other do you want to dimish the other designers efforts even when you never heard those new designs?
I can't see any other TT designer that already dimished your coming TT?
We customers need alternatives and with out real and precise foundation why comment/dimish/attack a new TT design what/that you never heard it and never has on hand?
I know that your design is wrong but I don't care about because is your design not mine.
Regards and enjoy the music,
Why in one way or the other do you want to dimish the other designers efforts even when you never heard those new designs?
I can't see any other TT designer that already dimished your coming TT?
We customers need alternatives and with out real and precise foundation why comment/dimish/attack a new TT design what/that you never heard it and never has on hand?
I know that your design is wrong but I don't care about because is your design not mine.
Regards and enjoy the music,