The KAB strobe disc is an approximation - a good one, though - and that can be easily proven... I place it on top of a test record, lower the cartridge (to include stylus drag) then set the speed with it.
Then, using a very accurate voltage and frequency meter like a Fluke, I put on a 1kHz tone on the CD player and measure the frequency - dead on 1kHz; this measures the instrument's accuracy. Switch back to the test LP with a 1kHz tone at 33.33rpm and the meter shows (naturally) some variations of about 1/1000, but clearly the center frequency isn't 1000 Hz. I usually have to lower the speed (in this case a VPI SDS).
Then I switch the speed to 45rpm and the meter should now read 1350Hz - yeap it does. The KAB shows I am going slow, but I know my speed is accurate.
I think the Timeline would be just as accurate, but why spend $900 when I can just measure a test frequency.
Then, using a very accurate voltage and frequency meter like a Fluke, I put on a 1kHz tone on the CD player and measure the frequency - dead on 1kHz; this measures the instrument's accuracy. Switch back to the test LP with a 1kHz tone at 33.33rpm and the meter shows (naturally) some variations of about 1/1000, but clearly the center frequency isn't 1000 Hz. I usually have to lower the speed (in this case a VPI SDS).
Then I switch the speed to 45rpm and the meter should now read 1350Hz - yeap it does. The KAB shows I am going slow, but I know my speed is accurate.
I think the Timeline would be just as accurate, but why spend $900 when I can just measure a test frequency.