Turntable speed accuracy

There is another thread (about the NVS table) which has a subordinate discussion about turntable speed accuracy and different methods of checking. Some suggest using the Timeline laser, others use a strobe disk.

I assume everyone agrees that speed accuracy is of utmost importance. What is the best way to verify results? What is the most speed-accurate drive method? And is speed accuracy really the most important consideration for proper turntable design or are there some compromises with certain drive types that make others still viable?

Considering the shipping risk and time needed to get in line at Music Technology I don't have that luxury. Should I be worried about the electronics mods?

The oil and paper is the only change since my MK3 has already had every possible electronic part and adjustment performed long ago and I'm completely familiar with the sound of that.

I'm skipping the lead block mod on the bearing well. I'm nervous about the sound of lead plus I have my version of that as damping rod and block on my Panzerholz plinth.

That leaves only the oil and paper mods I think. Bill says they are harmless electrically and only provide damping. Do you have any listening experience with these mods?
Hi Albert - no that sounds fine. The engineers modus operandi is that he overbuilds everything, which is great. I have heard the SP10 mk3 but unfortunately in a system, which although I have followed the evolution, I don't know what is doing what. That's why I'm interested in your feedback. Your bearing mod makes sense to me, wicking the energy away. There may be advantages to your solution in that if the energy is higher up the frequency scale a harder conduit ie the rod into the lead may be more effective than just sinking the bearing directly to a lead block. Unless we AB it we'll never now. The electronics should be fine if Bill is OK. Good luck.
Thank you Dover.

Bill says the mods should make the transformer, motor and sense coils more reliable (longer life) so even if there is no appreciable performance upgrade it's still a worthwhile venture.

If it sounds better I'll be doing the victory dance.
Hi Henry -
Have finally managed to try the Sutherland Timeline on the Final Audio TT ( heavy mass - platter 19kg, string drive ( single silk thread ), AC motor driven by oscillator preamp( reconstructed sine/cosine waves) and power amp.

Testing with and without the record playing I have to adjust for stylus drag.
Both the KAB and the Timeline show the stylus drag. The net movement of the laser with stylus drag is about 2mm on the wall per rotation.

If I correct for stylus drag with the KAB then recheck with the Timeline it is spot on.

With record playing the Timeline is spot on as per the KAB.

Conclusions are I can sleep at night, and the KAB, or at least my one, is as accurate as theTimeline.