Acoustic Solid main bearing oil

Anybody knows what type of oil should I use ? Distributor doesn't know and manufacturer doesn't respond. I don't mind, distributor seems like a nice guy but would really appreciate an advice which type to use.Rgrds, L
Dear Limono: I own two Acoustic Signature TTs that have similar design to your AS and designer told me does not needs to refill bearing oil.

Do you have a problem with your TT? why do you think needs bearing oil?

Regards and enjoy the music,
Thank YOu for response. The table in question is not mine. It belongs to a friend. Table was moved a few times , each time platter was off and bearing wiped. It is pretty much dry by now. US distributor is a nice helpful guy but he says Acoustic Solid provides him with small unmarked bottle of oil and he doesn't know what kind of oil it is. He's out of stock. I emailed Acoustic Solid but after a couple of weeks no response so far. I know the bearing has plastic coating and runing with low or even without lubrication for a reasonably short time is not going to dammage anything but would feel better knowing that an oil is actually there.Regards, L
Any good synthetic oil should work fine. He may want to experiment a bit with various weights because that alone can slightly alter the signature of the table. More than likely a heavier weight will provide the best results, however.

Also, adding a small amount of flake graphite (It is conductive.) to whatever oil is used will help with spindle grounding because most bearing assemblies won't provide that ground without help. I suspect that is the sole reason that Linn specifies "black oil" for use in their turntables.