Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison

Arrival of 4 Ears from Germany for Shootout in my Home. Rockport Sirius III Direct Drive Turntable with Linear Arm / Micro Seki 8000 in a unique version with an additional RX 3000 as an interia unit.
Some mods have to be done first, but the System is getting the right temperature......

checking Plate Current...

Rockport Sirius III turntable

with a Lyra

Olympos SL cartridge
connected to a modified Lamm LP2 with a special custom made SUT for it
and the Front End...

Lamm LL1 Preamp

Lamm ML3 Amps

.... now back to work ... more coming
Ag insider logo xs@2xunoear
Hello Thuchan,

Thank you for your comments and the invitation; is Sam really going to sing? It was really fun having your fellow Bavarians (Syntax and Dertonarm) out here for a visit. They shared a wealth of experience and information along with a lot of knowledge about audio :-). Seriously, it was a simply a wonderful visit about life.

Yes, you were very observant in that it is quite a bit to take in a short time. The excitement continues to build as I spend more time with the built up
Micros. Thank you again for sending the world-class performing FR-7f
cartridge my way; it is loving the original silver-wired FR-66s that Dertonarm was able to find for me.

Very happy listening!
Hello Rubyboogie,

Thank you for your kind comments. I have enjoyed reading about the path that you have followed building up your system.

Yes, it is the same Rockport, I think that it is enjoying hanging out in a less moist environment :). These are both (Rockport and D.'s enhanced dual platter Micro Seiki turntables) wonderful presentations and the comparisons ongoing. One of the issues resonates around finding another Olympos SL cartridge, they are quite rare, along with the inherent differences between the Rockport's linear tracker and the FR-66s tonearms. Hopefully, we will be able to use two similar FR-1mk 3 Q4 stylus cartridges for comparison when the second one will be available next month, more to come.

Hello In_shore,

Thank you for your encouragement and kind words! It is a time-consuming excursion; however, having Syntax and Dertonarm here has allowed for a unique continuity to the process. Yes, we missed having Thuchan here with us. Maybe, we will all soon get a chance to get together in Bavaria; I would enjoy that chance.

Hello Unoear,

looking forward seeing you two. As I know Sam he will be able to sing - oh yes, and maybe teach us too :-)

great that you love the Fr-7f. Your blue Micro and your FR-66s has a nice history I will tell you some other day.

BTW I think in this small group Syntax is the only real Bavarian. He is descending of some hill tribes, am I right? His images are wonderful and will be a nice memory for you.

Oh yes I can imagine, it is not only about audio. This is even more fantastic. So maybe you will travel Bavaria next Octoberfeast...

best @ fun only
Hello Bryceeboy and Rx8man,

Thank you both for your kind comments! Yes, they are fine turntables and I am fortunate to be able to find a way for the big Micros and the Sirius lll to find their way here. They both are fine examples of two possible turntable presentations done correctly.
