VPI Classic Vs Basis 1400 or 2001

Does the VPI Classic compete with these to Basis tables? I know they are at the lower end of the Basis line but I am just trying to get a feel for what Basis has to offer as I have never heard one. I have heard the Classic so I can get some kind of an idea.
AEW...not a fair comparison because I compared the VPI Classic to the VPI Scout with the JMW 9 arm and there was no comparison there either. The Classic outperformed the Scout by a big margin. The Scout sounded slow, dark and thick compared to the Classic. I agree that the 2001 for me still is the better table vs the Classic and as Stanwal states above, it should be given the price difference, but I wouldn't use your comparison of the Scout vs. the 2001 to be as informative to the OP's question given that the Classic is a much better table than the Scout.
Well, I also asked about the Basis 1400. Does this table compete with the Classic or does the Classic best it?

It sounds like the Classic, although not as good as the Basis 2001, is pretty close.
Its interesting what your reaction is to the poster's advice. I read the responses and got the impression that the Basis 2001 with Graham 2.2 arm is far superior to the Classis 1. You got the impression that they were pretty close. We read the same words, got a different impression.
Well, I also asked about the Basis 1400. Does this table compete with the Classic or does the Classic best it?

It sounds like the Classic, although not as good as the Basis 2001, is pretty close.

Tzh21y...I have not heard the Basis 1400 so cannot offer up a comparison for you. Will you have a chance to audition any of these tables in person?
I wish I had the chance to hear a Basis Table. The one thing that concerns me is people indicate that they do not have good bass/small soundstage. Even my scouts bass is decent, not extremely articulating, but I do not think my system is resolving enough for the lowest registers.