Nottingham vs. Wilson Benesch turntables?

I have assembled a great 2 channel system (Verity Parsifal Ovations, Luxman 509u integrated & D-06 cdp), and it is time to add analogue for vinyl 50's & 60's jazz, chamber music, solo piano etc. The 509u has a good phono stage, and so I need a TT, arm, and cart.

A couple of options available locally are the Nottingham Analogue Ace Spacedeck (or the similar Space 294)and their respective NA arms, the Wilson Benesch Full Circle (complete with arm and cart), the Avid Diva II (and Volvere), and Thorens.

The Nottingham and WB turntables have a certain appeal at a similar price, and I was wondering what you would advise for someone getting back into analogue?
I would choose Benz Glider, but that's me. It is not exactly that I advised against Ortofon, I just said a word of caution. Also, I am unfamiliar with Luxman's phono. In any case, give a cartridge at least 50 hours to break in.
I owned a Glider for several years and later experience has taught me it was nothing special. I also owned the predecessor to the Sumiko Blackbird, the Blue Point Special... feh. In general, I have come to prefer MM or MI cartridges to high output MC cartridges like Sumiko and Glider. In the same price class, you might consider Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood. Though I have never heard it, it has received rave reviews on the MM thread. Plus, it will have a high output suitable for your phono stage. Also, I am a fan of Ortofon, though I have not heard the 2M Black; I bet it's good. Finally, do not ignore SoundSmith MI cartridges in that price range.
Owner of Hyperspace and Spacedeck (with heavy platter) here. I love these guys and that's why I have both of them. You can't go wrong with them.

I'm using a Living Voice Mystic Mat on the Hyperspace but I wonder if that is really necessary since the graphite platter should do the job. Any one use a mat on their Hyperspace as well?
Shsohis, I've never used or even tried a mat on my Hyperspace. I guess a trial run wouldn't hurt. What did you hear you gained and or lost if anything with your mat?
When I setup the Hyperspace, I simply did so with the mat but I'll like to hear without the use of a mat.

Problem is both my digital and Shure gauges are higher than a typical record so that makes fine adjustment of loading force almost impossible. Any ideas?