MC versus MM. Which to choose.

I am pretty much a vinyl newbie so bear with me. What are the benefits and drawbacks of both of these types of cartridges. Is there a clear better choice for someone just getting into vinyl? The MM seem to be less costly but how does it compare sonically? Take for instance the Clearaudio Concept cartridge. The MM retails for $200 while the MC retails for $800. Is the MC version a better sounding cartridge?
Hello all not going to take anything away from my Tom Evens groove plus srx phono amp or ZYX universe because i enjoyed that combination for many years in a row exclusively. Was on the verge of my 3rd universe swapout. Thats a lot of vinyl spinning and music listening.

Now im using a simple few component MM riaa circuit in my Fisher 400c preamp that i completely rebuilt paired with MM/MI cartridges. i believe i will be listening to this vinyl front end for years in a row. Out standing sound top to bottom truly quenches my musical thrust.

2 first class front ends one that costs many thousands and one that can be had for in the thousand range.

After years of MCs going back to MM/MI has been one of the best moves in my audiophile life. Yes i have accumulated a fine stable of MM/MI cartridges to go with that so simple phono stage which i believe has a lot to do with the super fine sound my system delivers. Less is better and its true. I have a good buddy and Rauls thread to thank for my return to MM.

So i would say Lostbears take a good look at vintage or modern MM vinyl front ends first. and good luck the world of vinyl delivers all of the music so satisfying.
I'm coming to this thread late but i'm assuming you will be using the cart w/ Concept turntable. I have not heard the MM cart but i Have the Concept w/ the MC and it is a wonderful combo. My system has never sounded so smooth, open, and detailed. Bright records are still bright but less edgy with harsh sibilance being less grating and prominent. Dynamics are nice, bass is nice and tight.
And for the outlay and value of the time spent buying a cache of MM's, rebuilding your amplifier and shagging around setting them up, would probably have paid for an Olympus/Connoisseur, and then you could have spent all that time listening to music. Bugger.
I had a doctor client who had a dozen or so of the top moving coils of the day. Finally he came to me at 68 yrs and said - my ears are failing, I need a brighter cartridge with a rising top end. So save a nasty MC at least for your later years.

Dover I would have missed on half the fun not being hands on with my vintage gear.

Great thing about this hobby theres a ton of options and opinions.
Stltrains - actually I agree. I have heaps of fun with vintage gear, and it's rewarding when it all comes to together. One thing though, I wont buy second hand cartridges as a rule, my records are irreplaceable.